Diambi ari: Barubian.net
Fear tactics may no longer work for Jabu
'Jabu is a man in desperation after 1,000 people came out to hear Anwar talk in Betong. For the first time in history, the people have overcome their fears.'
DCM Jabu warns campaigners from peninsula
Jungle Son: This is the voice of Alfred Jabu Numpang, a man in panic and in desperation after 1,000 people came out to hear Anwar Ibrahim at a ceramah three days ago in Betong. For the first time in history, the people of Betong have overcome their fears.
Jabu, there is no need to threaten our Peninsular Malaysian brothers and sisters. We Sarawakians welcome them to help open the eyes of the Betong and Sarawak Ibans to Taib Mahmud's and your wrongdoings. Your days are numbered.
You, Taib and George Chan are in your 70s. Give a chance to the younger generations. Your 'miring' will not help you a bit. Instead, God will intervene and you will be shown your rightful place after this election.
BigBens_KL This is a voice of a man who is afraid of challenges. You can use this tactic 100 years ago but not now. Jabu, be a man and face it like a warrior. Have a fair fight like a real Iban warrior (if you are one). Agi Idup Agi Ngalaban!
Atan-Toyol: Why do you think the peninsula people are troublemakers, Jabu? Shame on you for having such a low opinion of your countrymen across the South China Sea. You said the BN brought prosperity to your people. The only prosperity brought to Sarawak mostly went to Taib Mahmud, his family, relatives and yourself.
The people in the rural areas have not benefited much development. Their lives have not changed much since 1963. Please don't fool the people. How long more will you want to plunder your state's wealth?
Sarawakian_3ff9: Like Taib Mahmud, Alfred Jabu likes to threaten others with his hocus-pocus nonsense. He's trying to turn a traditional treatment for illness into some sort of black magic.
Anonymous_3ea4: Again the BN's fear tactic is showing holes. Most, if not all, Sarawakians know that their politicians have been screwing them for years. An oil- and timber-rich state with so little development for the people, yet being plundered and screwed more by the BN political morons who head the state.
Sarawakians, claim what is rightfully yours. Reclaim your state from the 'Barisan Nonsense' and give your people a good education to rise up and bring prosperity to the state. Vote out the donkeys and nonsensical morons like Jabu.
Ronin: Jabu, you prayed for peace and harmony but instill hate among Ibans against West Malaysians even before the campaign has started.
Junky: Jabu is advising Peninsular Malaysians to behave themselves. The way Jabu put it, it sounds like he is warning them to stay away from the Sarawak elections so that they can easily win the state election and continue skim off the wealth of Sarawak to the last drop.
FatLOM: Many of you may not know what Jabu is doing with the 'miring' ceremony. In short, he is asking for blessing from the 'petara', in the same way you would pray to your god for victory in battle.
However, there is more to this than meets the eye. By inviting the tuai rumah (longhouse chiefs) to participate in the ceremony, he is basically reminding them of their obligation to ensure his victory in the election.
A parallel would be when you are invited to be someone's godparent. Whether you hate or love your godchild, you will feel somewhat compelled to help the child through thick or thin. This is the true meaning of this ceremony.
Pakatan Rakyat would do better to bypass the tuai rumah if Pakatan are to win their vote. A good way is to remind the tuai rumah that they are not a true "leader" in the sense of the word but rather a keeper of the adat for the rumah panjai.
Technically, in the Iban comunity, there is no such thing as a "leader" since everyone are entitled to his opinion and have freedom to do what he want.
Note: Nya meh kebuah Dayak tusah ka maju laban tegal ti ngembuan tuai ti buyan,mako,isu serta aguk tambah mega enda nemu bejako.
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11 years ago
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