Anembiak Latong Rebak Baru

Tabi Basa ngagai semua temuai..... Aku siko ari anembiak dayak rebak baru, ti deka mai semua dayak kemaia ari berunding bakani cara kitai dayak ulih sama taraf enggau bangsa bukai. Kediatu anang kitai silap, bangsa dayak agi tinggal laban bangsa bukai (Cina & Melayu). Ukai salah cina ukai salah laut, laban sida iya maju tegal tuai sida iya perihatin, tegal tuai sida bisi tanggung jawap nyadi pemimpin bangsa sida. Anang nyima ati meda sida maju, tang meh tau nyadi ke chuan teladan kitai dayak ngambi ke kitai "move forward" lalu ulih sama penuduk enggau sida. Piak mega tuai kitai dayak patut berunding bakani cara deka ngangkat ke martabat bangsa diri ari segi ekonomi, kelebih agi ba bangsa dayak dalam bidang "PERTANIAN" enggau cara komersial ti tau ngenatai ke hasil ngagai bangsa dayak tiap bulan. Awak ke bangsa dayak enda suntuk, ulih nyengula ke anak sampai ke peringkat ke tinggi. Ukai enggau mai kompeni besai ngereja tanah dayak enggau tuju "DEVELOPMENT" tauka "PEMANSANG". Nadai maioh dayak untung laban pemansang ti bakanya, laban aku kala meda penyampau terima sida. Kemanah agi tulung dayak ngepun ke dagang sida enggau cara bekebun cara komersial, nya baru project @ pemansang ke amat-amat ulih nulung bangsa iban menua pesisir. Arap ke bala kitai ke anembiak baru ulih enchelak enda agi tinggal penemu terpawah runding baka sida ke tuai kelia. Ukai mai nanah ke pembangkang tauka perintah, ukai mai ngelaban pembangkang tauka perintah. Tang meh mai ngiga jalai mansut ke dayak ari belenggu "KEMISKINAN" tauka ari penyuntuk. Udah kitai dayak ulih niri, negi ke ladang tauka kebun cara komersial ila baru kitai sedar nama reti project atap zink, project jelatung, project nyemin luar jalai rumah. Ukai mantah project, mai kita semua berati ke iya. Lalu kepenudi iya, aram meh kitai dayak rebak baru bela seati. Bela narit bala kitai dayak keluar ari belenggu penyuntuk ngambi ke ulih sama penuduk enggau bangsa bukai. Anembiak Latong Rebak Baru +60198397752

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Change We Must

Dear Fellow Sarawakians,

On Saturday, 16th April, Sarawak goes to the polls. Sarawak today stands at the brink. Our state is broken and bleeding, the people oppressed, no thanks to deep corruption and massive abuses by this BN state government led by CM Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Poverty remains deeply entrenched. Wealth inequality is very large. Taib Mahmud and his family have become the richest political family in Southeast Asia. BN politicians and crony businessmen have also become extremely rich and have hidden all their wealth overseas. Meanwhile, many Malays and Native Bumiputeras live in crushing poverty. And things are getting worse. The price of petrol and essential commodities like food are rising and rising due to BN’s inefficient management of the economy. The poor are going to suffer the most when Barang Naik (BN) lagi!

NCR Land belonging to the native Bumiputeras of Sarawak has been grabbed by Abdul Taib Mahmud’s family and political cronies for themselves.

The development of rural infrastructure has been neglected even ignored. Abdul Taib Mahmud’s politics of development has been a dismal failure. Our rural health service is broken and under-serviced while our rural schools are badly resourced. Roads and other rural infrastructure promised by the BN are not built.

This election is critical. CM Abdul Taib Mahmud refuses to step down. He needs our help. We have to make him retire. This election is critical. BN is incapable of reform or renewal. They talk about “transformation” but they do little. After 30 years of BN government, things are worse than ever. The rot in our public services is too deep and our state leaders must be changed if we want to save our state and its people.

As the “hottest ever” election in the state since 1987, we therefore urge all Sarawakian voters outside Sarawak to please return to your constituency in Sarawak and to vote for change and for justice. Vote for PKR!

If you are unable to return home to vote, then we urge you to phone, e-mail, tweet, and/or campaign via facebook to encourage all your family and friends living outside Sarawak to return home to vote.

As well, we urge all Sarawakians to contact and speak with their family and friends who are voting in Sarawak to urge them to be brave and to vote for PKR. Tell them not to be afraid of BN intimidation but to vote for change and for justice.

Sarawak needs you! Will you respond?

Berubahlah! Vote PKR! Vote for change and for justice. The time is NOW!

Yours sincerely,

Baru Bian

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